About the Author
Nick Coulston is married to Katie, and they have one daughter. He is the associate pastor of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Shelbyville, IN. He received in B.A from IUPUI, M.Div. from Wesley Seminary, and a D.Ed.Min. from Southern Seminary.
Philosophy of Ministry
Reformed Soteriology
The Christian life begins and ends with God. He began the good work in me, and he will see it to completion. Between my second birth and entry into the presence of the Lord, he has called me to seek him all my days with my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Apart from his call, I would still be his enemy. I love him because he first loved me. Regeneration is the supernatural work of God, and I am to respond in faith and repentance all the days of my life.
Every believer should seek intellectual fidelity to the Scriptures. Our belief must be more and more and conformed to the Word of God. While confessions are generally suited to congregational life as a means of cheerful fellowship, I personally hold that the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith is a faithful representation of historic Christianity within the Baptist tradition. Confessionalism does not isolate me from other traditions but instead helps me to be charitably convinced in my own mind of primary, secondary, and tertiary matters. Confessionalism enables me to have productive conversations with those who have come to different conclusions.
The Lord, in creation, did not give Adam a friend or even a child, but a wife. The marriage covenant is the primary relationship between a man and a woman. It must be guarded above all and should not be usurped by even the dearest of relationships, to include children and parents. Children thrive in a home where the father and mother seek the Lord daily and express their love for each other. Parents love their children best when they prioritize the marriage relationship. Marriage is a sign of how Christ loves his church. Therefore, I should be committed to laying down my life for my wife.
Local Church Congregationalism
The New Testament was written primary to churches, not individuals. Every believer has the responsibility to enter into a relationship with a congregation. The church is the body of Christ. He is our head, who is in heaven. As his body, we gather first of all to bless his holy name and offer a living sacrifice. We secondarily gather to edify our brothers and sisters with our faithful presence, a timely word, and corporate worship. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper necessarily require that I be incorporated into a local church.
Christian Education
Faithful believers must be able to discern what is biblical and what is heretical, especially when culture is successful in blurring the line. Christian education is necessary to guard against being swayed by every wind of doctrine. Christian education prioritizes the word of God, but it also recognizes that all of life is subsumed under God’s sovereignty. Educators and students should seek to glorify God in mathematics, biology, and all other fields of study.
Biblical Spirituality
In contrast to New Age spirituality and all aberrant forms of religiosity, the Christian is formed by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Biblical spirituality emphasizes the local church, regular Bible reading and mediation, prayer, reading profitable literature, and serving my community.
The Christian life begins and ends with God. He began the good work in me, and he will see it to completion. Between my second birth and entry into the presence of the Lord, he has called me to seek him all my days with my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Apart from his call, I would still be his enemy. I love him because he first loved me. Regeneration is the supernatural work of God, and I am to respond in faith and repentance all the days of my life.
Every believer should seek intellectual fidelity to the Scriptures. Our belief must be more and more and conformed to the Word of God. While confessions are generally suited to congregational life as a means of cheerful fellowship, I personally hold that the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith is a faithful representation of historic Christianity within the Baptist tradition. Confessionalism does not isolate me from other traditions but instead helps me to be charitably convinced in my own mind of primary, secondary, and tertiary matters. Confessionalism enables me to have productive conversations with those who have come to different conclusions.
The Lord, in creation, did not give Adam a friend or even a child, but a wife. The marriage covenant is the primary relationship between a man and a woman. It must be guarded above all and should not be usurped by even the dearest of relationships, to include children and parents. Children thrive in a home where the father and mother seek the Lord daily and express their love for each other. Parents love their children best when they prioritize the marriage relationship. Marriage is a sign of how Christ loves his church. Therefore, I should be committed to laying down my life for my wife.
Local Church Congregationalism
The New Testament was written primary to churches, not individuals. Every believer has the responsibility to enter into a relationship with a congregation. The church is the body of Christ. He is our head, who is in heaven. As his body, we gather first of all to bless his holy name and offer a living sacrifice. We secondarily gather to edify our brothers and sisters with our faithful presence, a timely word, and corporate worship. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper necessarily require that I be incorporated into a local church.
Christian Education
Faithful believers must be able to discern what is biblical and what is heretical, especially when culture is successful in blurring the line. Christian education is necessary to guard against being swayed by every wind of doctrine. Christian education prioritizes the word of God, but it also recognizes that all of life is subsumed under God’s sovereignty. Educators and students should seek to glorify God in mathematics, biology, and all other fields of study.
Biblical Spirituality
In contrast to New Age spirituality and all aberrant forms of religiosity, the Christian is formed by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Biblical spirituality emphasizes the local church, regular Bible reading and mediation, prayer, reading profitable literature, and serving my community.
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